Blü Gengo
is an adorable three year old living in North County San Diego. Since she was an infant, Blü has always eaten raw vegetables. Broccoli is her favorite, however she also enjoys on a regular basis raw peas, celery, carrots, parsley, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes to name a few. She is also keen on apples, tomatoes, oranges, bananas and berries of all sorts. In fact between the ages of 1 and 2 years she would eat a bowl full of blueberries every morning. Because of her eating habits she has never been seriously ill and has bowl movements at least three times a day.Blü is extremely active and very physically strong. She has a great knack for remembering details from the past and present and has a heightened sense of
awareness of all people and things around her.
Blü overall is an amazing child and through positive eating habits will continue to lead a healthy and happy live.

Blü Gengo, Carlsbad, CA - 2003



I am a single parent of four kids, ages from 18 to 3 years old. As a parent, I am always worried about them getting sick and eating healthy foods. Recently my 15 year-old daughter came down with Strep Throat. The doctor said that her condition wouldn't improve for 5 to 6 days. I was referred to Dr. Hanna and learned of her veggie cream recipe so I went to the store with my kids, got all of the ingredients and we had a blast making it together. After only three days my daughter was

back in school and feeling great! I even came home from work one day and found her making her own batch along with her friends.

I want thank Dr. Hanna for creating such a powerful recipe that is easy to make and store and tastes good too! Every parent should know about Dr. Hanna and her amazing recipes.

We have also been taking the FiberTein and VeggieTein and even the little kids love it. Only a spoonful of veggie cream with a little honey and lemon juice gives my kids a boost of energy to get them started in their day and out the door.

Tom & Kids
Orange County, CA - 2005


I'm a 9th grade student and I’m starting to get concerned about my health. I know that you only get one body and that if you don’t take care of it that eventually things will catch-up with you. I used Dr. Hanna’s Cell-Pure powder on my face and found that my acne was reduced. Thanks Dr. Hanna for sharing your product with me.

LeeAnn Reed, Student
Fairfield, Iowa